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We often receive questions and queries from our clients about charter yachts, sailing destinations and chartering in general. Below is the compilation of most frequently asked ones. If you still don't find the answer to your query, feel free to contact us directly and we will provide as much information as we can. 

  • Does my charter need to be a week long?
    Yes and no, depending on where you are chartering a yacht and the type of yacht. Many operators will ask you to charter for a week, usually Saturday to Saturday, but this is most rigid during high season in the Mediterranean. The Caribbean is much more flexible; the minimum charter duration is generally 5 days. Depending on whether your selected yacht is booked for a week / several days before and after your selcted period, it may be available for a few extra days.
  • What is a bareboat charter?
    A bareboat is simply a boat that is rented without crew or a skipper, which means that you will need to skipper and navigate it yourself. Depending on the country, you will need to possess and show some type of navigational certificate, such as International Certificate of Competence which is a requirement in the Mediterranean. In some countries it is a legal requirement to hold a valid VHF license, while in others you need to have at east one fully certified skipper and one Competent Crew. We are happy to advise you of the requirements for your chosen sailing destination.
  • What kind of quality control do you do on your boats - how do I know they will be in good condition?
    All charter owners must adhere to the national maritime laws and regulations. This is your primary protection, and in most cases, the rules are quite strict. All operators also must carry insurance by law. You are entitled to see a copy of the insurance certificate, should you so wish, prior to embarkation. Beyond this, we work only with reliable operators, who have a good track record and accept only yachts which meet our high standards of customer satisfaction, are clean and in excellent condition for their age. Many of our charter yachts have reviews and star ratings from actual clients who have chartered them. They give us objective, first-hand information about the yachts and assurance that they meet all desired standards
  • Are there any hidden extras?
    Optional and mandatory extras vary from country to country and from one operator to another. We do however list them out clearly and accurately on our proposal form. Sailing Boats: The charter fee generally covers the boat, a full tank of diesel and water, charts and a dingy/tender. There is generally a charge for linens (unless you want to bring your own), and almost always a mandatory final cleaning fee, ranging from €50 to €250 depending on the size of the yacht. In some cases, you may also be charged a small amount if you want an outboard for the dinghy. Most operators offer optional extras such as fishing gear, snorkeling gear, paddleboards, etc. at very reasonable cost. Motor Boats: For small motor boats, the major additional cost beyond the base charter fee will be fuel. We try to list on the site the fuel consumption per hour for each boat - and a typical charter will burn about 3 hours of fuel per day. Fuel prices are rising, but the rule of thumb is that it will cost about €1.50 per litre of fuel. So a boat that burns 40 litres per hour will generally cost €60 per hour to run, or approximately €180 per day. Other charges will be mooring fees if you'll be spending the night in a port and any provisioning you request.
  • I have no sailing experience. Can I still charter a yacht?
    Yes you can! You will however need to charter a skippered yacht. This is an additional cost but charter skippers are qualified and experienced professionals with a lot of local knowledge which can only enhance your holiday. Charter skippers are generally selected on the basis of their experience as well as personality and people skills. We always try to match our clients with charter skippers who are fluent in our client's mother tongue or at least English to avoid any communication issues. When chartering a skippered yacht, it is important to keep in mind that it is your duty to provide the skipper with the lodgings (a cabin on the yacht) and food. It is not mandatory but it is common practice that skippers are tipped at client's discretion at the end of charter period.
  • Do I need some kind of license to charter a yacht?
    In short - the requirements vary from one country to another. ​ In some countries rules are more flexible than in others but general rule of thumb is that you should have some sort of license. Ideally, you should hold the International Certificate of Competence which is issued by national sailing bodies such as RYA, ISA or IYT, ASA, etc. Where possible your qualification should include your photo and some form of official number. ​ In order to skipper a chartered yacht in Croatia, you need to have any of the qualifications listed here. ​ Most charter companies insist that at least one listed crew member holds a valid VHF license. On the other hand, some countries and operators will accept proof of sufficient sailing experience, so your Log Book may need to be dusted off and presented.
  • What if my friends and I need more than one yacht?
    No problem! Let us know how many yachts your group needs and give us an idea of yacht configurations you require. We will then search for suitable yachts available from the same base for the time period you specify. This is commonly known as 'flotilla'. Flotilla can be private (where all yachts are charteed by a private group) or public, where you and your charter yacht join pre-arranged fleet of charter yachts and charterers.
  • Why should I book with the broker instead of directly with the operator?
    Some operators run very small and busy fleets and should your chosen yacht experience technical problems, they may not have a replacement to give you. This would ultimately disrupt your plans and ruin your long awaited holiday. Brokers, on the other hand, work with mutiple operators and are in a better position to get you a replacement very quickly. All hassle that takes place in the background is not your problem, the broker and operators will sort it out between themselves. This way, you get to enjoy your holiday without worrying about extra costs or wasting your time looking for an alternative. Even if the situation turned into a legal affair, reputable broker would request nothing more than perhaps an affidavit from you, describing what exactly happened to help their legal team.
  • Will Brexit have any impact on my charter booking?
    We don't know that yet. It all depends on what agreememnt UK reaches with the EU. It also depends on where your broker is registered. WannaGoSailing is an Irish Company and therefore 100% Brexit safe! Regardless of how Brexit goes, you will be robustly protected by the European and Irish Consumer Protection Laws.
  • Who owns the yachts you offer for charter?
    WannaGoSailing Yacht Charter work with hundreds of yacht charter operators worldwide. We do however favour local owner / operators. There are many reasons for that - we like to support local businesses and economies, we understand how hard it is to build and maintain good reputation when running your own business rather than working for a large corporation and we also find local operators to be extremely helpful and easy to deal with. It is in their as well as our interest to offer the best service possible, something we can't do without them and they can't so without us and other brokers.

Most questions we receive are about length of charter period, optional and mandatory extras, security deposits, one-way yacht charter, etc. Answers to most of these questions are yacht - specific and can hardly be answered in general terms. 


We would recommend that you think carefully abut your requirements and wishes and communicate them to us before you book. We can then quote you for a yacht which meets most, if not all, of your requirements without them being listed and charged as optional extras.   

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WannaGo Ltd. is Limited Liability Company registered and based in Dublin, Ireland.


CRO Registration Number 635002

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